How we used Python

Here are some best-practices for python.

Constructs we use


Is the constructor for a class.

__main__ — Top-level code environment

__main__ is the name of the environment where top-level code is run. It's the first Python module which starts running. It's the entry point of the application.

See source for more information.

Property Decorator

For creating properties, we used the Property Decorator.


A module can be a collection of classes.


Rover is a class (can be more than one) map is also a class window is also a class (need inheritance from tk)

Inheritance in Python

See Inheritance for more information.

To call the parent method use the super() keyword.

To call the current method of the class, use the self keyword.

Naming styles


Type Public Internal
Packages lowernounder
Modules lower_with_under _lower_with_under
Classes CapWords _CapWords
Exceptions CapWords or CapWordsError
Functions lower_with_under() _lower_with_under()
Class Variables lower_with_under _lower_with_under
Instance Variables lower_with_under _lower_with_under (protected) or __lower_with_under (private)
Method Names lower_with_under(self) _lower_with_under(self) (protected) or __lower_with_under(self) (private)
Function/Method Parameters lower_with_under
Local Variables lower_with_under

Real Pyhton naming styles

Private variables doesn't exists in python, you just give them a different name.

Single and double underscore

Single Trailing Underscore( var_ ): Used by convention to avoid naming conflicts with Python keywords. Double Leading Underscore( __var ): Triggers name mangling when used in a class context. Enforced by the Python interpreter.