How to contribute

You have a cool idea or you found a bug in our code? Please feel free to create a fork of our repository and create a Pull Request.
If you're new to pyhton, here's a guide how to contribute to our repository and get a part of our space rover game.

Step by step guide to contribute

1. Create a Fork

We use the Gitflow Workflow. The first thing you need to do is create a fork of our repository.


2. Clone repository

Next step, you need to clone your forked repository to your local machine.

git clone <repositoryUrl>

3. Setup your environment

We recommend working with Visual Studio Code. Have a look into the vs code installation guide and follow the steps.

4. Install dependencies

Download latest [pyhton] version and click through installation. Maybe you have to restart your machine after this step.

Run the following commands to install the dependencies we used.


pip install pygame


pip install mkdocs

For more information how to run mkdocs and how we used it, have a look at []


pip install typing-extensions